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Dina Fonder 2018

Den årliga kupongen är 1,00 procent. Akelius Residential Property AB: Akelius ger ut EUR obligation. Akelius Residential Property Financing B.V. har givit ut en senior ej säkerställd obligation om EUR 500 miljoner. Obligationen förfaller 2029-01-11.

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Akelius Residential Property Financing B.V. har givit ut en senior ej säkerställd obligation om EUR 600 miljoner. Obligationen förfaller 2030-02-22. Den årliga kupongen är 0,75 procent. Obligationen ska noteras på Euronext Dublin med identifieringsnummer XS2301127119. Standard and Poor’s har bekräftat kreditbetyget BBB på obligationen. Akelius Residential Property Financing B.V. har givit ut en senior ej säkerställd obligation om EUR 600 miljoner. Obligationen förfaller 2030-02-22.

The bond matures 2029-01-11. The annual coupon is 1.125 percent.

Bond Specification per 2020-06-30 MSEK Issuer Fair Value

2015 — Housing Financing Fund Ibudalanasjodur. BB-. Stable Bite Finance International B.V..

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Otto GmbH & Co. Südzucker International Finance B.V., 103.100, 85,573.000. +0.214, Fixed  Akelius Residential Property AB. senior.

Akelius residential property financing bv

30 juni 2015 — marknads-, bransch- och landrisken genom att placera i flertalet mycket Capital Property Fund (ZA). 779.000. 7.592. 2,3% och utgör 0,2 %.
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Akelius residential property financing bv

The bond will be listed on Euronext Dublin and has identification number XS2301127119. 7 September 2020Not for distribution, directly or indirectly, in or into the United States or any jurisdiction in which such distribution would be unlawful.Akelius Residential Property Finance B.V 2021-02-10 · Akelius Residential Property Financing B.V. Post-stabilisation Period Announcement Further to the pre-stabilisation period announcement dated 9 February 2021 , Danske Bank A/S (contact Akelius avser att emittera en senior ej säkerställd obligation om EUR 500 miljoner med förfall i januari 2028.

The portfolio was valued at EUR12.1 billion at end-December 2020, and comprises more than 44,000 apartments located in 12 major cities across Europe and North America.
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Stena Fastigheter Sandvången AB - 559070-2238 - Företag

AASET 2018-1 TRUST, 6, 1. Toggle Visibility. AB FINANCIAL PRODUCTS DESIGNATED ACTIVITY COMPANY, 110, 321. Toggle Visibility.

Akelius emitterar EUR obligation - IPOhub

NORDEA BANK ABP  Akelius Residential Property D, 08:59:45 Jump Trading Europe B.V., JTEU, 0, 0​, 0, 2 277, 5 328 Virtu Financial Ireland Ltd, VFB, 0, 0, 0, -18 248, -19 994.

Akelius issues EUR bond Thu, Sep 03, 2020 18:05 CET. Akelius Residential Property Financing B.V. has issued a EUR 500 million senior unsecured bond. The order book was at peak EUR 4.7 billion, nine times larger than the bond size. The bond matures 2028-01-17. The annual coupon is 1.00 percent. Correction: IPTs updated to "185-190bps" from "190bps area". 3 September 2020Not for distribution, directly or indirectly, in or into the United States or any jurisdiction in which such distribution would be unlawful.Akelius Residential Property Finance B.V.Pre-stabilisation Period AnnouncementDanske Bank A/S (contact: Syndicate – Morten Grove; telephone: + 45 45 14 70 33) hereby gives Akelius Residential Property Financing B.V. Pre-stabilisation Period Announcement Danske Bank A/S (contact: Syndicate – Morten Grove; telephone: + 45 45 14 70 33) hereby gives notice, as Stabilisation Coordinator, that … Akelius Residential Property Financing B.V… million: coupon, percent: maturity: ISIN : EUR 500: 1.000: January 2028: XS2228897158: pdf: EUR 500: 1.125: January 2029: XS2251233651: pdf Akelius Residential Property Financing B.V. has issued a EUR 500 million senior unsecured bond.. The bond matures 2029-01-11.