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Also, vacancies for English-speaking candidates are sometimes placed on the Dutch section of Academic Transfer, so it is best to check the listings in both languages. 2015-08-05 2020-09-01 Apply to Linköping University - maybe your future employment is waiting here for you! Doctoral student development programme Our aim is to reinforce and support doctoral students to lead themselves and manage performance demands. Jobs and vacancies at Uppsala University. Postdoctoral position specialising in the study of national minorities in terms of linguistics 2021-04-08. Department of History PhD Position in Computing Science focusing on design and implementation of managed programming languages 2021-04-08.

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Lecturer (Senior) · 5. Professor. Jobs and vacancies at Uppsala University · PhD student position in molecular evolution with specialization in evolutionary genomics · PhD student in the  University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. We are looking for a bright and motivated PhD student to work in the topics of information security and cryptography.

Address  Institutionen har tre avdelningar och två centrumbildningar med verksamhet både i Stockholm och Karlstad. The Swedish Defence University is  A Mecenat Card ' d say we ' re 100 % the most Swedish study destination church..

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PhD thesis: Life-history strategies of brown bears. PhD thesis: Habitat selection and movement by brown bears in Karlstad University. Karlstad University, Faculty of Health, Science and Technology (starting 2013).

CHARM2012 by Daniel Mauritzson - issuu

PhD thesis: Life-history strategies of brown bears.

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School of Culture and Coauthor, Södertörn University.
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Karlstad university phd vacancies

Teachers and Researchers. PhD student in Machine elements with focus on developing green lubricants involving chemical synthesis. 2021-04-12. PhD student in emitter materials Ref. No. SU FV-0990-21 Project title: Development of new emitter materials for energy efficient lighting (OLDEDs, LECs) Project leaders (PIs): Professor Anja-Verena Mudring (main supervisor), and Dr. Guillaume Bousrez (co-supervisor).

Pursuing a PhD at LUCSUS requires funding for the PhD student. PhD students are considered employees in Sweden, so this funding requirement includes covering salary for the PhD student, as well as required social benefits (e.g., employer contributions to pension and health care systems), and University overhead (paying for the use of LUCSUS premises, administrative staff, etc). Funding for PhDs at … 2 PhD Positions in Neurobiology and Alzheimer Research. Two Ph.D.
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Charm2011 by Daniel Mauritzson - issuu

Deadline: Monday, April 12, 2021.

Application and admission. For those wishing to pursue PhD studies at Karlstad University, the normal method is to apply for a doctoral position. These positions, when available, are announced on the list of vacancies on our web site (link below). Funding opportunities determine when new doctoral positions are offered.