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27 nov. 2006 — g:\hs\__hsn\_060918\18sep06.doc, 06-09-20 WTO och genom EG-direktiv, vilka omsatts i den svenska lagen (1992:1528) om offentlig  National Foreign Trade Council (NFTC) - World Trade Organization HS Code. Description. Tariff. 2006-07 Steam or sand blasting machines and similar jet  Tariff Analysis Online and the Tariff Download Facility draw on two databases: the Integrated Database (IDB) and the Consolidated Tariff Schedules (CTS) Database. The Integrated Database (IDB) contains time series of the tariffs applied by WTO members and acceding economies to imports from other WTO members.

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The absence of such subheadings is indicated by a zero. System (HS) is an internationally adopted product nomenclature system in world trade. It has been developed and maintained by the World Customs Organization (WCO). It comprises about 5,000 commodity groups; each identified by a six digit code, arranged in a legal and logical structure and is supported by well- defined rules to achieve uniform classification. WTO members adopt the HS in their … 2021-04-10 2004-12-14 At the international level, the Harmonized System (HS) for classifying goods is a six-digit code system. The HS comprises approximately 5,300 article/product descriptions that appear as headings the change to another HS version.

Let’s define HS (Harmonized System) from the authority source Wikipedia:.

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1, form the Taric 2. a) Anges en viss vara i ett HS-nummer ska varan klassificeras enligt detta. HS-nummer även Fri p/st. ▽M222. (1) WTO-tullkvoter.

Hs code wto

2 The WTO was preceded by the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT),   HS stands for Harmonized System. It was developed by the WCO (World Customs Organization) as a multipurpose international product nomenclature that  The current HS structure underpins every global free trade agreement, including multilateral tariff agreements like the WTO Information Technology Agreement. WTO. World Trade Organization. 2. Harmonized System.
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Hs code wto

It consists of several digits or numbers, the first 6 of which are harmonised worldwide: so, no matter where you product comes from, the main product category will be the same. WTO members adopt the HS in their national tariff nomenclature. The HS was introduced in 1988 and has undergone several changes in the classif ication of products.

Keywords: WTO, Schedule of Concessions, Harmonized System, Transposition The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System generally referred to as "Harmonized System" or simply "HS" is a multipurpose international product nomenclature developed by the World Customs Organization (WCO). Section Notes. 0100-2017E. 1.
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2 The WTO was preceded by the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT),   HS stands for Harmonized System. It was developed by the WCO (World Customs Organization) as a multipurpose international product nomenclature that  The current HS structure underpins every global free trade agreement, including multilateral tariff agreements like the WTO Information Technology Agreement. WTO. World Trade Organization. 2. Harmonized System. 2.1 Introduction of this HS code correspond to the heading number (but without the period between  Yellow Phosphorous with HS No 28047010: 147.

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tariff suffix: code used in WTO databases (IDB, CTS) to extend a narrowly-defined product’s (a tariff line’s) HS code number (see Harmonized System) in order to record two or more duties at different levels. WTO tariff databases contain both bound and applied rates. Options for accessing and searching the databases can be found here. See also: > Goods schedules gateway > Current situation of goods schedules > The “Goods schedules and tariff data” section on each member's page . back to top Work on tariffs in the WTO Amendments effective from 1 January 2022 HS 2022, which is the seventh edition of the Harmonized System (HS) nomenclature, is used worldwide for the uniform classification of goods traded internationally, and has been accepted by all Contracting Parties to the Harmonized System Convention. • tariff line (TL in the tables): a product, as defined by a system of code numbers for tariffs • tariff suffix: code used in WTO databases (IDB, CTS) to extend a narrowly-defined product’s (a tariff line’s) HS code number (see Harmonized System) in order to record two or more duties at different levels.

HS CLASSIFICATION HANDBOOK WORLD CUSTOMS ORGANIZATION Rue du Marché 30, B-1210 Brussels Telephone +32-2-209.92.11 Fax +32-2-209.94.92 November 2013 The HS code consists of 6-digits.